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Where is Your Talent Hiding?

Attracting talented individuals to your business starts with how they perceive your culture. Their top priority is to enjoy their work, since it is where they spend one-third of their lives.

Attracting talented individuals to your business starts with how they perceive your culture. Their top priority is to enjoy their work, since it is where they spend one-third of their lives.

They don’t learn the truth about you through billboards advertising $18/hour starting wages or your marketing collateral. They learn by talking with current/former employees and following those employees online to see what they post about you.

"Let your reputation work to your advantage! Encourage your workforce to talk and post about the good work your business is doing. Engage them in sharing open positions, photos from company events and your latest news. They want to be proud of the company for which they work".

Read more in our latest op-ed for the Grand Rapids Business Journal about how Digital Public Relations can work for you.

Hunter Haley is the Public Relations Manager at DYS Media.

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