Did you know you can make it easy for people to find you online when you use the right words on your website?

Did you know you can make it easy for people to find you online when you use the right words on your website? You don’t even need to pay for it.
Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you can pay search engines like Google and Yahoo! tens of thousands of dollars to direct people to you. There is a more efficient, less expensive and more strategic alternative called organic SEO.
Organic SEO means writing with words that your customers and workforce immediately understand on your website, as well as words that reflect words that you can claim.
Say you’re a specialty machining and welding contractor like Leading Edge Fabricating in Montague, Mich. Start with general keywords in your industry such as “CNC mill,” “knife-making” and “waterjet.” Then move on to words specific to you and your product like “perpendicularity,” “abrasive waterjet” and even better, “atmospherically controlled welding glove box.”
Google and Yahoo! direct traffic to your website when your words match those entered by the person searching for your types of products and services.
Unlike paying search engines to direct mostly irrelevant traffic to you, you attract traffic that is more likely to want your business. Organic SEO strengthens your ability to focus on the customers you want and avoid those you don’t.
CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE consultation with DYS Media to learn more about the benefits of making it easy for people to find you online.
Hunter Haley is the Public Relations Manager for DYS Media.