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How do you write a press release [that people read] in 5 steps?


By Dave Yonkman

Imagine that your company is about to introduce a new innovation to the market.

You reserve a booth at the next trade show. Your sales team calls on your primary customers. You buy an ad on an industry publication’s website.

Those moves are all necessary to get your message to the people who need to hear it, yet you have even better opportunities available to you.

Why not give the news to the entire market at once with a press release?
You can post your press release on your website. Send it to your customers by email. Share it on your social media channels. Most importantly, get it in front of the press so they can publish your news under their reputable banner.

Where to begin writing your press release?

The inverted pyramid works best for most announcements you’ll make. You start with the most important elements and work your way down to the least important, yet relevant, details.

Identify the who, what, why, where, when and how of your news. You’ll need them for your document.

Start with the “dateline,” or where your news is happening. This is generally your company headquarters.

If you are a manufacturer in the Midwest, your dateline might read something like, “GRAND RAPIDS, MI – .”

Summarize your news in the first paragraph. Continuing with the manufacturing example, “ACME Corporation, a Tier 1 automotive manufacturer, expanded this week by installing 10 new ABB IRB 6700 robot arms that double its capacity and efficiency.”

Introduce details in the second paragraph. “ACME Corporation invested nearly $1 million into its manufacturing operations with a new fleet of the latest generation in automated technology. The move will increase its plant footprint from 40,000 square feet to 80,000 square feet and create 10 new jobs.”

Be sure to give it some color.

Include a quote from your president or other company official about the news in the third paragraph. Resist the temptation to say they are “thrilled.” Instead, use the opportunity to add some good-natured subjectivity.

“ACME Corporation significantly improved its products and performance at our Grand Rapids facility with our latest investment,” ACME President Sam Goodman said. “Our customers will immediately notice the increase in detail and quality, as well as the speed with which they receive their orders.”

End your press release with supporting facts that aren’t the sexiest but still need to make it in. “ACME encourages buyers to schedule a tour of our new facility by calling the main office phone number or stopping by in person. ACME is a privately held corporation founded in 1957.”

Last step is to write a headline with your keywords that summarizes your news and grabs attention. “ACME Doubles Customer Value with $1 Million Investment in New Tech.”

Also be sure to include your contact information at the top.

Your final press release should look something LIKE THIS! Example Press Release Here

You are ready to post your press release to your website, write updates about it on LinkedIn and send it to the media who are most likely to publish it.

Distribute your press release to news media professionals.

Create a media list by researching publications that cover your industry.

Metal fabricators might look to The Fabricator or Fabricating & Metalworking magazine. Plastic injection molders could start with Plastics Today. Agricultural producers are likely fond of Food Manufacturing.

Find the articles that speak most closely to your innovation or new product. Get the email address for the reporter who wrote the story and send them your press release. Call them in a few days to ensure they received it if you haven’t heard from them.

Best case is they want to talk with you to write a longer story about your news. They could also publish your press release as written on their website. Worst case is they don’t return your call.

Should that happen, take a step back and recalibrate your message. Ask others you trust for their opinion and try rewriting your press release from a new angle.

Either that or call a reputable public relations firm like DYS Media to get the job done for you the right way the first time.

How do online press distribution services work?

You can pay online services like PR Newswire and EIN Presswire to distribute your press release for you. They lead you to believe authoritative outlets like a local NBC affiliate or Fortune magazine published your news.

Truth is they buy advertising space on those websites to publish what you want to say. Think about it. When you visit, do you see a glossy presentation of engaging articles with brilliant photography? Or do you see a list of corporate press releases? Exactly.

Since it is technically an advertisement, it disappears from the web once you stop paying for it. Customers will only find your news if they look for it while your credit card is on file.

Paid press release services hold their value in other areas, but not in the way of connecting directly with reporters for real news value. It’s like buying the cheapest model of a luxury car brand with no features. People can tell the difference.

Publish your news the right way!

The best part about the media you earn through hard work stays online so long as people have a reason to look for you. It means the links you use to share your news won’t go dead after a couple of months.

Your announcement can become the first and best result your customers and talent see when they go to search for your company online.

Even more than your original press release, you’ll want to feature your earned media on your website. On your LinkedIn account. In your company newsletter if you have one (you should).

You cannot buy a better display case from which to announce your latest company news. There isn’t anything like it for sale.

Call DYS Media at (616) 298-8798 or write to get started on earning your media the right way today!

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