By Dave Yonkman

You pay your public relations firm for 4 news media placements that appear in your local business paper, a national trade publication that covers your industry, a podcast hosted by an in-demand influencer and Fortune magazine.
Success. All 4 placements strike within the 6-month deadline in your contract.
Your email inbox fills up with friends and associates congratulating you on making the news. Local leaders like and comment on the stories when you post them to LinkedIn. Your mom finds a hard copy of the business paper and frames it for you.
The nagging question is how do you know whether you received a Return on your Investment (ROI)?
Metrics that assess your campaign’s reach, impact and overall ROI. That’s how.
As management guru Peter Drucker says, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”
Define clear goals you want to achieve
Do you want more people in a niche crowd to know about you, guide traffic to your website, boost your numbers on LinkedIn or increase sales?
Do all 4 at once.
First, list all of the articles, interviews and blog posts that resulted from your campaign that you can find in a Google News search. Other publications will link to your news articles if they provide enough value and supporting facts.
Create an Excel document that includes columns that list,
