Your first impression on your customers and talent happens in their first online search result about you.

Your first impression on your customers and talent happens in their first online search result about you. You can greatly influence your search results, starting by posting press releases to your website and distributing them to media databases.
Unleash your creativity with the following tips from Emily Caroll of Drive Research on how to leverage your press releases for a significant return on your investment. Tips include ensuring that you research the journalists to whom you’re sending it for the best news media exposure.
As we say in Emily’s article, “researching and engaging in the preferences of the journalists who cover your industry – before contacting them – almost never fails to produce valuable earned media.”
If you like Emily’s tips, you’ll LOVE our following article on increasing the effectiveness of your press releases even more, including the best time/day to distribute them!
Hunter Haley is the Public Relations Manager at DYS Media.